Alloy Brite
Alloy Brite
An alkaline based wheelcleaner which quicklybreaks down dirt andaccumulated brake dust onalloy and factory finishedlacquered wheels. Providesexcellent detergent andemulsification for soilscontained in wheel grime
Spray or brush this product onto the wheels, and allow tosoak for approximately 1-2minutes. Agitate if necessaryRinse thoroughly with cleanwater, Ideally with a pressurewasher. It may be necessary torepeat the application formore stubborn stains.DILUTION RATIOSHeavy soiling:Dilute 1 part product up toparts water.Medium soiling:Dilute 1 part product up to 5parts water.Light soiling:Dilute 1 part product up to 9parts water. CAUTION COOL WHEELS BEFORE USE.Do not apply product to indirect sunlight and do notallow product to dry. This is aprofessional strength productand is only suitable for factoryfinished alloy wheels. Do notuse on chrome plated. powdercoated, magnesium alloy andanodised wheels. Avoidcontact with plastic andpaintwork. Remove with aneutral detergent and rinsewith water. It is the user'sresponsibility to testcompatibility on a small areaprior to use, especially on poorquality alloy wheels.
DIRECTIONS OF USEHarmful if swallowed. Maycause allergic skin reaction.If product comes into contactrinse with water for severalminutes. If problem persistsseek medical attention.